
Personal posts by public historian, Rose O'Keefe


Piles of Books

Apr 23, 2023 by Rose O'Keefe

Despite getting most of my books from the library and donating my favorite books regularly, I still live in a house with bookshelves that have no space for new books, and piles of books in almost every room. Recently, I pulled out one that had been on my bedroom night table and wondered why it was still there? It was my friend Paula Weld-Cary’s My Origami Mother: Reclaiming My Life After an Abusive Childhood­ (2022). Ends up, I had finished her moving memoir, but hadn’t read parts two and three on stories and ways to heal in which she referred to The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma, by Bessel van der Kolk (2014).  

So Many Stories

Apr 18, 2023 by Rose O'Keefe

While traveling  a few weeks ago, we picked up Women’s History: Distinguished Women of Pennsylvania put out by Pennsylvania State Senator Carolyn Comitta. This free magazine had over two dozen biographies of women artists, athletes, government workers, writers, scientists, and social reformers. Women included some born in the state like Marian Anderson and Louisa May Alcott, and others with strong connections, like Hannah Callowhill Penn and Lucretia Mott. Most had a picture, and a good bio. It was a pleasure to learn about this impressive selection of women, in such an attractive format. Its large print and enough white space made it easy on the eyes.

On Track

Apr 11, 2023 by Rose O'Keefe

The idea that once I got back on track after surgery, I’d go back to what set me up for a bypass in the first place, has been upsetting. No, I don’t miss running around like a squirrel burying its stash. As I’ve returned to a few regular activities, I’ve have to consider why I’m doing them when  my energy level is still low? During the pandemic, posting a blog was one way to overcome the intense loneliness. Now that certain conditions have eased while other world problems seem to have worsened, what makes sense?

Strong Feelings

Apr 02, 2023 by Rose O'Keefe
While I don't have intense feelings of despair at how long the post surgery recovery is taking, I do have bouts of fatigue that override everything. Books to the rescue! This week I read three Newbery Award winning authors: Rifles for Watie by Harold Keith (1957), Onion John by Joseph Krumgold (1959), and The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare (1961).


Mar 26, 2023 by Rose O'Keefe

If you were to divide 8 billion people by 365 days of the year, you’d get millions of people having the same birthday. It blew my mind to think of so many people feeling special on the same day. Today is to be the birthday of Nathaniel Bowditch (1773-1838), a most remarkable man.

The Slow Lane

Mar 17, 2023 by Rose O'Keefe

Friendship, soups and cards have kept my morale up since major surgery three weeks ago. Even so, being in the slow lane can be a humbling, upsetting experience.

Beyond Words

Mar 12, 2023 by Rose O'Keefe

My head has been filled with thoughts and my heart with feelings, but putting pencil to paper and sitting at a computer have been beyond my grasp since double bypass surgery two weeks ago. How did that happen? No matter now. I brought several books with me to fill the hours at the hospital and was grateful beyond words for being able to read them.

The first one, a freebie from a neighborhood Little Free Library, even though it was so-so, filled in gaps while waiting. Squirrels in the School (1996) by Ben Baglio told of the dilemma of Mandy and James, two students whose props for the school play got chewed up by squirrels. The story had a good blend of conflict, pro-animal rights and small-town busy bodies. Mandy’s drive to relocate the squirrels was strong.

Required Reading

Feb 17, 2023 by Rose O'Keefe

I brought home the prescription packet for two medications this week, and decided I might as well read the printouts that came with them. The list of side effects for the statin was enough to trigger a panic attack and the caution that it could have more side effects for those over 65 was depressing. The print out for nitroglycerin was just as cheerless and the caution about those over 65 made me cringe. Next I read the 40-page heart surgery information booklet I had received on Monday and by the time I finished it, wanted to crawl into a hole. How is one supposed to process this generic information and disclaimer? Fortunately, I have a very kind and caring doctor at Highland Family Medicine, who helped me out.

While Waiting

Feb 12, 2023 by Rose O'Keefe

A friend who has stents dropped by this week to give me a copy of Time Health “The Latest Scoop on Statins.” The editorial on cholesterol was generally good.  I’m not sure why the first article was on gene editing solutions for recurring cancers, but maybe that option will become available for heart disease. The brief on deaths from alcohol was sobering. The brief on sleep was useful. The brief on fitness and exercise was good. Finally the centerfold on statins. While it had good explanations, what caught my attention was a “non-statin cholesterol option that may resolve muscle problems.” I like the sound of that.

Heavy Heart, Happy Heart

Feb 05, 2023 by Rose O'Keefe

Word was this past week, that our part of western New York had 49 days without sun. Yikes. I don’t know if dealing with seasonal affective disorder ever gets easier, but January was a doozy. Well, it ends up I have more than. This week, I learned that I have a clogged left artery. It was with a heavy heart that I faced several medical appointments and dealt with the waiting by finishing All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten ((1986) by Robert Fulghum.

Stardust and Stuff

Jan 28, 2023 by Rose O'Keefe

I brought Robert Fulghum’s All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten ((1986) with me to an appointment where I knew I would be waiting for a while. What a treat to reread his popular essay about sharing, not hitting others, playing fair, putting things back, cleaning up after yourself, not taking other’s things, saying sorry, washing your hands before eating, taking a nap every afternoon and more. Beyond that one are more, mostly short reads, perfect pick-me ups.


Jan 14, 2023 by Rose O'Keefe

What a pleasure to read about “The art of "Louise's Daughter" by Rochester neighbors Cheryl and Don Olney, that is on display at the Central Library’s Arts & Literature Division (Rundel Building).Local artists Cheryl and Don Olney expertly craft colorful, upbeat, wooden figures of dancers and other joyful designs. They also make a variety of jewelry, note cards, and mechanical/kinetic pieces. Their business, named “Louise’s Daughter” in honor of Cheryl’s mother, was established in 1995.” I am so proud to know them!

My Happy Place

Jan 07, 2023 by Rose O'Keefe

I am prone to intense bouts of cabin fever and one way I work them out is to go to my happy place piecing together PowerPoints.  I have several stored in my computer files along with dozens of images about neighborhood and local history. I remember years ago thinking there must be a way to use them and share some of what I’ve learned. Happily, the other day I got the idea to convert them to eBooks, and saw that it is supposedly not that hard to do.


Dec 31, 2022 by Rose O'Keefe

In no order in particular, I would like to give thanks for:  
My decision on the first day of 2022, when I chose once again to study the workbook daily lessons in A Course in Miracles. The ending lesson of the year includes the following: “And if I need a word to help me, He will give it to me. If I need a thought, that will He also give.” As an eclectic type, this year I combined ACIM’s daily lesson, with online daily sacred cards from The Source Cards, and then added “The Inner Child Meditation” and Ho’oponopono Hawaiian forgiveness prayer from YouTube. What a wonderful blend.

Happy All of It!

Dec 24, 2022 by Rose O'Keefe

As the year draws to a close, I have to look back on the gifts that I have received from many books, magazines and newspaper articles. Thank you to all the writers who connect us to each other. Happy All of It to Everyone!

On a bright note, I was thrilled to receive a reply from noted scholar, Celeste-Marie Bernier. Among other kind words, she shared this about my 2nd edition of Special Delivery: From One Stop to Another on the Underground Railroad: “My heartfelt congratulations to you on your breathtakingly beautiful book!!!!!!!!!! Thank you ever so ever so ever so ever so much for wonderfully giving me a copy ! I read it the first minute I got on the train from Rochester to Boston and absolutely loved loved loved loved it - absolutely magnificent!!!!! A tour de force of sparkly brilliance!! Wow wow wow!!”

So Many Books

Dec 08, 2022 by Rose O'Keefe
Two weeks ago, I woke up feeling so young, without understand how young. I had finished reading Carolyn Sherwin Bailey’s Miss Hickory, the 1946 Newbery Award winner, and must have absorbed a youthful mindset from it. The story is about the upsets of a twig doll whose barely mentioned owner has outgrown her. The relationships that this feisty doll has with Crow, Squirrel, Fawn, Cow and others were imaginative and fanciful.

Heart Warming

Nov 21, 2022 by Rose O'Keefe

It felt good to read Robert Lawson’s 1945 Newbery Award winner, Rabbit Hill, because it was such a heart-warming and clever story. The characters were animals in the countryside who were all atwitter about new people moving into a rundown house. The critters were anxious about whether the newcomers would have a mean dog or cat, use poison, traps and baits, and most of all, what kind of garden they would grow. Each animal had its favorite foods that it longed for.

My Humble Career

Nov 14, 2022 by Rose O'Keefe

Recently, when I re-read the words of the Desiderata, a poem written in 1972 by Max Ehrmann, a line jumped out at me: “Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.” How true. I keep plugging away at projects that keep me happy. Speaking of happiness, it’s a pleasure to share the link to a short video on Spectrum Local News about a recent school visit:

The Learning Curve

Nov 08, 2022 by Rose O'Keefe

I have had my share of successes and failures with the learning curve on book projects. The creative burst-and-bust cycle has thrashed and bashed me more than once and my latest round with editing a non-fiction history project was like wrestling with an alligator. So what, right? Having to take breaks only meant that it took longer to complete than expected. It also meant that I didn’t keep up with my regular reading.

Upcoming Events

Nov 03, 2022 by Rose O'Keefe

I  have the pleasure of being one of 49 authors and illustrators who will be at the 25th Rochester Children's Book Festival, Saturday Nov. 5. This year’s event is at RIT, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  in the Student Alumni Union. My presentation on Frederick and Anna Douglass will be at 11 :30 a.m. in the Bamboo Room. If you plan to attend, be sure to give yourself plenty of time to walk from Parking Lot D. I am selling my history books from 1 to 4 p.m. in the main room.