Distant Drums

Dec 05, 2024 by Rose O'Keefe

Crucible had predictable mentions and lesser-known trail blazers in new religions, sects and utopian communities. Take-away: it was refreshing and surprising to read about people who marched to their own drummer.

The first time through Edmund Wilson’s Apologies to the Iroquois, (1960) wasn’t easy. This time, I felt disheartened by the betrayals that Wilson wrote about, but had forgotten about the Mohawk nation’s successes in blocking modern eminent domain land grabs. His growth in understanding of a culture he knew little about and his earning the trust of the Mohawk nation people he met, was good.

http://rokeefehistory.com/blog: #EmersonKlees; #CrucibleofFerment; #IroquoisHistory; #WNY; #FingerLakesregion; #EdmundWilson; #ApologiestotheIroquois; #Mohawknation; #Haudenosaunee; #Rochester; #SouthAvenueDistrict;