The Lucky Ones

Apr 25, 2022 by Rose O'Keefe

Some doctors used a risky practice called blood-letting to drain fevered blood. Others preferred rest, fresh air and plenty of fluids (now recognized as the better choice.) The 14-year-old heroine lost neighbors, became separated from her mother, struggled with illness in the countryside and later, starvation in the city.

It sounded like what’s happened all around the world during the current pandemic. I consider myself among the lucky ones who have weathered the worldwide health crisis. I’m on day 7 of the latest variant, and while I wouldn’t wish the tough mix of aches and congestion on anyone, my symptoms have lessened by the day. The weather was so warm in Rochester yesterday, I thought of what savvy doctors recommended in 1793 and read outside in  the marvelous air, an hour in the sun, an hour in the shade.

I happened to be finishing another one of Anderson’s books, Prom (2005). She was prompted to write this book by students who wanted to read about ordinary teens like themselves. Anderson tackled the issue of low-income families staying on top of one repair after another. The odds against high school senior Ashley Hannigan graduating were tough. This crazy story of stolen school prom funds went from an eye-opener to a hilarious event worthy of a comedy series.  

Once again thank you to Christian Science Monitor(April 18) for relief from overwhelming bad news. It was so uplifting to read the Points of Progress section about positive trends. In a few paragraphs, the feature skipped around the globe with new ways to recycle old buildings in Cleveland; land restoration of formerly overgrazed lands in Oaxaca, Mexico; sustainable fishing in Abu Dhabi; creating fuel, pharmaceuticals and animal feed from algae in Istanbul, Turkey; and a massive new air purifier in Xi’an, China.  

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