At the Moment
At the moment, I’m also making my way through Eric Foner’s Liberty: An American History, 6th edition from 2020. The first edition of Liberty came out in 2005, the same year that my first book, Rochester’s South Wedge, was published. One of my claims to fame was that local librarians were pleased that I had credited all the photos. Having worked at the Times-Union and The Wedge neighborhood newspaper, I knew a thing or two.
Foner’s book is on the other end of the spectrum from the Arcadia picture histories I wrote in 2005 and 2006. Although it would be tempting to compare what changed between the editions, the 6th edition constantly surprises me. He wrote so well about complicated topics from the 1800s that mirror what is going on now in national politics. Uncanny!
Quick shout-out to CITY. ARTS. MUSIC. CULTURE, for its lively take on what to do around Rochester this month. Pairings and partnerships was a fun theme. Although I liked more than one article, I really liked the write up about Forno Tony, the new Roman-style bakery where customers have to line up early before the food runs out. #BudNotBuddy; #ChristopherPaulCurtis; #Holes; #LouisSachar; #EricFoner; #LibertyAnAmericanHistory; #CITYmagazine; #TonyForno; #Romanstylebakery;